Saturday, August 19, 2006
Can do a quick update this morning, Dilan has flown through her first five hour stint and as I write is half way through her second. I am sure she is doing just as well with this one. A very small change to yesterday, in that she gained 20grms not 35 as first informed, still nothing major to concern us, will be visiting her this afternoon and tomorrow, will update Blog on Monday, so lets move on to the next 48hrs................
Friday, August 18, 2006
It seems like ages since I said this, but Dilan has put weight on !!! It is in fact only a couple of days or so, bit like waiting for the kettle to boil when you're watching it !!! So how much you ask? She is now up to 2lb 8 1/2oz that is 35grms up, grams ounces, pounds, kilos, all very complicated, so it looks like the new milk concoction may be working which is great news. Weight aside verything else is on track, unaided breathing is going well just waiting for the next rise in time off, hopefully that will come later today. Watch this space in 24hrs time.............
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Dilan continues to move forward, it was decided to move her to 4 hrs off the breathing aid in every 12 and she had no problems doing her first session last night, if this rate continues it should'nt be too long before she will be off it completely, this would be a real leap forward if it happens! The nutritional results are in, and with a bit of a change in diet starting now, hopefully she will start to gain weight quicker. Thats it for today I hope to be able to say she has gained that weight tomorrow, heres to the next 24hrs.......
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Day 50, half a century, and still on track. Dilan spent her first 3hr stint off the breathing aid yesterday evening, she did really well, "Forgot" to breath a couple of times but that is only too be expected, and she came back on her own immediately so all was well. She had a nutritionist visit to try and bolster the weight a bit, as she is not putting on weight quite as quick as we would like, not a worry as such, but something that needs to be addressed. So all in all another good day as Dilan continues on track. Lets hope the next 24hrs are as good.......
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
What can I say? Another good day for our little princess, It seems at the moment all we are waiting for is weight gain, but this will come soon enough, everything else is coming along nicely, so thats it for today, see you in 24hrs!! .............
Monday, August 14, 2006
Once again I can say All is well, Dilan is now just over the 2.5lb mark and is still flying through her 2in 12 hrs of the breathing aid, if she continues to do well it will be put up to 3hrs this week. "Other Grandad" has some new pics on the photo site so click on the link on the right to see for yourselves.
Onward to the next 24hrs.....
Onward to the next 24hrs.....