Saturday, August 05, 2006
I am doing this update on dial up !!!! so just a short message to say Dilan is fine, as of last night we were all saying we don't think we have ever seen her look so good, which is great, but a long way to go yet, so onward to the next 24hrs.......
Friday, August 04, 2006
For the fifth day on the trot now, I can say the last 24hrs have been good for Dilan, her weight is steady, she has had no drops in breathing and heart rates and is generally doing very well, the docs are very pleased with her and all seems well, it is so good for Gareth and Jennie to finally have a respite from all the problems...... and it shows they are both in very good form !! "Other grandad" has started a photo log on the web for all to see as I am having all sorts of problems with pics on here and internet at home, thanks Keith, the address is . So two more days and we have had a week of good reports, heres hoping for the next 24hrs ........
Thursday, August 03, 2006
And so we move on to another day which found Dilan still getting along very well, she has had no "De Sats" in the last 24hrs and gained another 25grms, with a baby her size this is the average daily weight gain so is good news indeed. No more to say really, happy to report this is one of those days I like where there is "NOTHING TO REPORT"! Lets see what the next 24hrs bring.....
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Morning all, well once again I am happy to report that on the whole Dilan has had a good day, she had one or two "De Sats" but recovered from them on her own, these are to be expected from time to time with premature babies. As you may have seen in the comments yesterday, she has finally reached the all important 1Kg + the actual weight converts to approx. 36.25 oz (2.26lb). Lets hope that she continues on this path, and that she stays well for the next 24hrs........
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
I am happy to report that today is one of those days I can say there is nothing new to say, Dilan has had a good, strength building 24hrs, and is doing very well at the moment, lets just hope this trend will continue, for the next 24hrs.....
Monday, July 31, 2006
Good Morning All, and what a good morning it appears to be, I am happy to report that there is nothing but good news today! After the trauma and emotion of Thursday and Friday Dilan has gone from strength to strength. In simple terms it was discovered that Dilan had a major build up of "Fluid" in her lungs and throat which was making it nigh on impossible for her to breath, as soon as this was realised a suction programme was introduced and a course of a drug which drys up the fluid, since these two things have been administered she has gone from being supported on a ventilator to breathing only air on her own !!! This has also resulted in her "De Sats", this when she forgets to breath for a few seconds, have dropped to practically zero, Amazing change, and on top of all this I have had a text from Gareth this AM to say she has also managed to gain a small bit of weight, 990gms in total, not a lot but when you consider what she has been through in the last 72hrs that is amazing too !!! So happily on to the next 24hrs........