Friday, August 11, 2006

Another good 24hrs for Dilan, she has gained 25grms, and spent her two sessions off the breathing aid, the morning one was spent sleeping on her mum, the evening session, when we were there spent on her dad wide awake taking in all around her, this also included a feed which is slowly rising in quantity, now at 7ml per hour.
So again I can say, a good day in the world of Dilan, lets hope the next 24hrs bring the same.........


At 6:30 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is all great news, as we all know, at the moment dull is good! Checking in on progress before we go off for a week but I'm sure all will be fine while we're away and we will see a big difference on our return. Take care to all.

Nicky and Matt


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