Thursday, July 27, 2006

Sorry to be late for Wednesday's update, this is for two reasons, firstly we had a large storm last night and my broadband connection has'nt worked since, secondly, unfortunately, Dilan had a bad turn on Wednesday evening and I wanted to await the outcome before posting.
On the whole she had a good day but whilst we were visiting last night she had a relapse in her condition resulting in, at one point, all her vital signs stopping including her breathing! as you can imagine we were all very concerned and spent some hours waiting for the doctors to do tests, xrays, etc. During this period Dilan's general health was up and down dramatically. At around 21.45 the xrays showed a lung infection which was hindering her breathing, this in turn was stopping everything else from working properly, they inmeadiately administered anti-biotics Jennie and Gareth had a few tense hours.
By about 23.00 she had settled enough for them to feel they could return home, she was still having some bad times but the staff felt they were managable, by about 03.00 the drugs should have kicked in.
As of 07.00 this morning (Thursday) Dilan has, once again, managed to fight her way back to some sort of normallity for a baby in her situation, and she is stable, lets hope the anti-biotics start to get rid of the lung infection today and that Dilan can go back to doing what she does best, growing bigger, getting stronger.........and sleeping peacefully !!!!!!! Once again the next 24hrs are important.


At 4:49 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey there, a very tense time for you all, and we just want to say that you have all our positive thoughts coming your way. Remember to look after yourselves too as Dilan needs you all.

take care


Anna Babbs xxxx


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