Saturday, July 15, 2006

15th July 2006, I need to say straight off that the last 24hrs have not been too kind too "Grandad's LittlePrincess". Having said that, all the set backs she has had today are small in comparison to the hill she has climbed so far.
Over night Dilan was given a blood transfusion, this is because she was struggling to balance her oxogen levels, which in turn was hindering her ability to breath. The new blood, with some additives, was a chance to start again and would aid in clearing out her lungs, it was also discovered that there was a "Hole " in the heart region that was taking blood away from the lungs, again hindering the breathing process, now this is not normally a problem as when the baby is in the womb it is not using its lungs, and therefore the blood is "Diverted" to other parts of the body, however, as Dilan is early this "Hole" needs to close in order for this blood to divert to the lungs, we believe at one point this had probably started to close, but for several possible reasons, it opened again, I guess her little body forgot where it was ! Anyway, tomorrow the nurses will look again and if it is shrinking again it will be left to its own healing, if not Dilan will go onto a course of drugs which will help it close, in the worst possible case, she will have an operation, this however only happens to two or three babies a year, and therefore is considered unlikely at this time.
So to summarise, basically, there is nothing to worry about as all this is not unusual in premature babies, in fact it CAN happen to normal term babies, and we believe is dealt with quickly and reasonably easily. I think because Dilan has been such a fantastic fighter and all has been good, this came as a shock first thing, but as the day has gone on we have realised that it is but a small set back in the greater picture.........Oh by the way the move to Bury is off for a short time!!!!!!.... If anyone is in the area of Addenbrookes on Sunday the "Premrose" support group are having an open day, and I am sure any support would be gratefully received, We willl all be there, Lets hope the next 24hrs bring better news..................


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