Friday, June 30, 2006

Day Three, 28th June 2006, 03.15 the phone rings, its Gareth, Dilan could hang no longer and had been born at 02.45 weighing in at 1lb 15oz and about 9 ins from head to toe ! after a quick look is whisked away, all is well and more news will be forth coming in 4 hrs. I guess we arrived at the hospital around 10am, Gareth looks shattered and tired but happy that all appears to be well, so begins the day to day hurdles for Dilan to get over. The first thing is that she is breathing on her own so after some hours on a ventilator it is removed and apart from the occasional time when she forgets to breath she is okay on her own, it seems that the next thing to look for will be internal organ function, something that can only be observed in time. jennie is back to looking wonderful and is being a real rock for Gareth and Dilan, I sometimes wonder how, as the mother, she manages to keep on smiling and being constantly optimistic, what a lucky guy my son is !
Finally the time comes for me to visit my grand daughter for the first time, as I walk in to the room with Gareth I realise what a daunting task this was going to be for me, what can I say she is tiny, connected to a million wires tubes and pipes, but perfectly formed and as beautiful as she could be.

A brain scan has been done and whilst there is a small amount of bleeding the doctors do not seem overly concerned, another hurdle crossed.

An observation at this point would be that I find myself feeling guilty when ever I am not in the hospital with my son and daughter in law, at work , at home, anywhere, all I want to do is be there for them all even though I know there is nothing I can do.

Still ever onward, 24hrs at a time..............


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